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    返回 2021.06.03 来源:http://www.wqeshop.com 0
    关于“沼气”这种新兴、清洁的能源,由于它突出具有高能、节能、安 全、环保等特点,因而在未来它的应用前景是非常广阔的。我国在沼气的生产、收集、储存及利用等方面的技术和设备也是日益成熟,那么为什么越来越多人选择沼气榴莲视频在线观看污呢,这与它自身的特点是离不开的。
    As for biogas, a new and clean energy, its application prospect is very broad in the future because of its outstanding characteristics of high energy, energy saving, safety and environmental protection. In China, the technology and equipment of biogas production, collection, storage and utilization are becoming more and more mature, so why more and more people choose biogas generator set? This is inseparable from its own characteristics.
    1. Renewable, less pollution. Using biogas to generate electricity, there is no need to worry that it will be exhausted one day. According to statistics, by the end of 2002, the world's remaining proven oil reserves were 140.704 billion tons. According to the proven fossil energy reserves in the world, oil can be used for another 40-50 years, natural gas for another 60-70 years, and coal for about 225 years. It can be seen that fossil energy is not far away from us. The life of biomass energy represented by biogas is almost unlimited. As long as the sun exists, biogas will also exist.
    2. The sources of raw materials are wide. The main combustion component of biogas generator set is methane, which is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter by methane producing bacteria. So as long as the organic matter exists in the place, coupled with suitable environmental conditions, there will be methane generation. For example, human and animal manure, organic industrial wastewater, landfill, crop straw and so on can be used as raw materials for biogas production. In the future, with the development of animal husbandry and industrial enterprises, the production of biogas will increase. Take a town with a population of 600000 as an example, it produces about 600 tons of garbage and about 10000 cubic meters of biogas every day, which can be used by 1000 kW gas-fired generating units for power generation. And the larger the city is, the more organic matter is contained in the garbage, and the more biogas is produced. China has a large population, so there are many landfills suitable for such projects. Therefore, the source of biogas is very extensive.
    3. Limited by the environment. The scale of biogas generating unit is relatively small, and the requirements for the site are not high. As long as there is biogas generating place, it can basically generate electricity. Unlike hydropower, which must be built in a place rich in water resources, but also consider the impact of the power station on the surrounding ecological environment; Solar power generation should be built in remote places with long sunshine time, because solar power generation takes up a lot of land, so the economy of the project must be considered
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    关于“沼气”这种新兴、清洁的能源,由于它突出具有高能、节能、安 全、环保等特点,因而在未来它的应用前景是非常广阔的。我国在沼气的生产、收集、储存及利用等方面的技术和设备也是日益成熟,那么为什么越来越多人选择沼气榴莲视频在线观看污呢,这与它自身的特点是离不开的。
    As for biogas, a new and clean energy, its application prospect is very broad in the future because of its outstanding characteristics of high energy, energy saving, safety and environmental protection. In China, the technology and equipment of biogas production, collection, storage and utilization are becoming more and more mature, so why more and more people choose biogas generator set? This is inseparable from its own characteristics.
    1. Renewable, less pollution. Using biogas to generate electricity, there is no need to worry that it will be exhausted one day. According to statistics, by the end of 2002, the world's remaining proven oil reserves were 140.704 billion tons. According to the proven fossil energy reserves in the world, oil can be used for another 40-50 years, natural gas for another 60-70 years, and coal for about 225 years. It can be seen that fossil energy is not far away from us. The life of biomass energy represented by biogas is almost unlimited. As long as the sun exists, biogas will also exist.
    2. The sources of raw materials are wide. The main combustion component of biogas generator set is methane, which is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter by methane producing bacteria. So as long as the organic matter exists in the place, coupled with suitable environmental conditions, there will be methane generation. For example, human and animal manure, organic industrial wastewater, landfill, crop straw and so on can be used as raw materials for biogas production. In the future, with the development of animal husbandry and industrial enterprises, the production of biogas will increase. Take a town with a population of 600000 as an example, it produces about 600 tons of garbage and about 10000 cubic meters of biogas every day, which can be used by 1000 kW gas-fired generating units for power generation. And the larger the city is, the more organic matter is contained in the garbage, and the more biogas is produced. China has a large population, so there are many landfills suitable for such projects. Therefore, the source of biogas is very extensive.
    3. Limited by the environment. The scale of biogas generating unit is relatively small, and the requirements for the site are not high. As long as there is biogas generating place, it can basically generate electricity. Unlike hydropower, which must be built in a place rich in water resources, but also consider the impact of the power station on the surrounding ecological environment; Solar power generation should be built in remote places with long sunshine time, because solar power generation takes up a lot of land, so the economy of the project must be considered